I briefly mentioned a recent purchase on my previous post (you can read it here). It was the Chanel Inimitable Waterproof Mascara, and it was certainly the most stubborn waterproof mascara. I couldn't get it out of my lashes - I've tried using warm water and a cleanser, which usually does the trick. I had to resort to using an eye cream on a q-tip and rubbed the mascara out - dreadful. It's both unhealthy for my lashes and for my wallet - one tube of Chanel eye cream for make-up removal? No thank you.
Solely because of this stubborn mascara, it was time to add a heavy-duty makeup remover into my skincare routine. Enter the micellar water - essentially a liquid with tiny, tiny particles which picks up all the grime and dirt from the skin, gently (too good to be true!!). It was first formulated due to the scarcity of clean, safe water that hit France way back in the days. Eau Micellaire remained a French pharmacie's best-kept secret, came the massive makeup revival these days, where skincare lines are paying close attention towards the micellar water. Now, you can find them absolutely everywhere and upon reading more and more about it, I was keen to try.

I've stocked up on some Caudalie products, taking advantage of the Christmas sale at KENS (amazing). I picked up the Beauty Elixir which I've been using for about 4 to 5 years, or even longer, maybe? I frequently use this when I'm at the studio or for when I'm travelling because it definitely freshens up the face when the weather is getting too warm, or when I'm feeling tired in the mornings. It has a very distinct therapeutic fragrance which is absolutely calming - it's a spa in a bottle. The sales assistant at KENS recommended to use this either as a toner or a makeup setting spray. I prefer the latter because the essential oils lends to a dewy finish. If you've over-powdered, this is a good face mist to use to correct that. I don't feel like you'd need this but its a nice touch to add in your routine. I have a love/hate relationship with the Beauty Elixir because it contains alcohol but it doesn't seem to dry out my skin . The ingredients in this product may be too harsh on the skin - fragrance, alcohol, peppermint oil - just to name a few. It does mention that the alcohol is a plant-based substance but if you're concerned about the ingredients, give this a pass and opt for a rosewater mist instead.
As for the mascara situation, which was my main reason for dropping by KENS (who am I kidding hahahaha), I've opted for the Caudalie Make-up Remover Cleansing Water to try out. Initially, I wanted to test out the Bioderma micellar water but the nearby drugstore ran out of these suckers. Anyway, first impressions - I wasn't truly impressed with the formula for the Caudalie micellar because it did take a few go's to clear up the mascara. It has a strong fruity fragrance which I don't mind, and I find that this doesn't sting my eye which is usually the case for most of the eye make-up remover that I've previously owned. The Caudalie micellar left my skin feeling very refreshed and clean so it's handy for when I need a quick fix. It is a tad sticky so it won't be able to replace my water-based cleanser. But to be honest, I will still do a proper cleanse because I'm a little neurotic about my skin. Overall, the Caudalie Cleansing Water is really gentle on the skin, and the eyes, which is most important. I love how this feels refreshing on the skin - for both the Beauty Elixir and the Cleansing Water.
The last product from the Caudalie line was the Huile Divine- a concoction of the signature Caudalie grape seed oil, extra virgin argan oil and sesame oil and grape seed polyphenols - all of which has great benefits for the skin. The Huile Divine is a dry oil so it has a very light consistency - very suitable for Malaysian weather, as well as for a normal-oily skin. I reach for the Huile Divine everyday since the purchase as it does add a lot of moisture to my skin. Other than that, I'll mix this in with the micellar water and it perfectly removes my mascara. The problem with this oil, yet again, is that it contains fragrance - which is so irritating of Caudalie to put fragrance in every other product that they have - I've loved the Caudalie Vinosource Intense Moisture Rescue Cream and was hesitant to make a repurchase due to the fragrance in the moisturiser. If you've been on the fence about Caudalie, I think picking up their Christmas sets will be a great way to try out the products without committing to paying full-price. I do love Caudalie and I have tried a lot of French luxury cosmetics - Chanel, Dior to name a few - and most of their products contain fragrances as well, so having said that, I don't find that fragrance is an ultimate deal-breaker refraining me from buying from high-end lines (yes, shoot me).

Let's touch a little bit on another brand that I've decided to test out- the REN Clean Skincare line. The brand boasts to be 100% clean - no parabens, no fragrance, no sulphates, no nothing but clean ingredients, as the name suggests. REN caters for a lot of different skin types - particularly sensitive skin - so that was the winning point for me. I did not have room for more cleansers and moisturisers, so I have purchased the REN Glow and Go instead (Beauty in a Flash in Australia/European regions). Before I start yapping, you can find REN Skincare at KENS (surprise, surprise) and B.I.G Publika, which is awesome, because Aiman loves buying his toiletries there and I'll wind up browsing the REN shelves and be over where the Real Technique brushes are.
The first product is the Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial. The mask contains Vitamin C, and you can smell the Vitamin C from when you open the box and that gives me an immediate assurance that this mask definitely packs on a punch. The Flash Rinse is packaged in an opaque tube, for both travel-sized and full-sized items, which really stabilises the Vitamin C content in the mask. The mask is said to brighten the skin, to improve its' elasticity and to even out the skin tone - among other things. I used this in the morning, with hopes that it delivers what it has promised to do. The mask has a fine grain so if you have sensitive skin, don't go too crazy with the scrubbing, even by gently massaging it into the skin, I literally could see flakes of dead skin coming off (disgusting, I know). You first apply the product onto dry skin, massage it in for exfoliation, then dampen the skin to activate the Vitamin C, then you can leave it on for a good 1 minute (I leave it on for 5). I love that it's a quick fix and it actually works! My skin felt smoother, looks brighter, and any swelling/puffiness on the face is drastically reduced. I absolutely love and recommend this if you need that extra something for a blah skin day.
The second item would be the Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask which I have yet to try to report back on how the product works out. But so far so good with REN Skincare, as I'm really pleased with the Flash Rinse Facial, I'm expecting that the Renewal Mask will be just as good - if not better. These two products are cult favourite in the beauty world so its no wonder that it performs impeccably (or is expected to). I'm falling in love with this line and will definitely check out their serums and cleansers next. I think this can be compared a lot to Peter Thomas Roth (they make the best cleansers) and I'm really glad I've picked up the Christmas set to get an idea about the line. Since it's technically Christmas, I think this set will still be around KENS Apothecary if you're interested to make a purchase. OK, I've rambled enough about my little Christmas buy, and got a little carried away with the mini reviews on all the products. Well, I'll stop right here an I hope everyone is having a great Christmas holiday, Merry Christmas guys!
Products Mentioned
Caudalie Beauty Elixir, 30ml, MYR60
Caudalie Huile Divine, 15ml, MYR40
Caudalie Eau Micellaire Demaquillante, MYR85
REN Glow and Go Limited Edition Kit, MYR100